The amazing Miss Debra Le Gae, what can one
say, my idol, the woman that first put a face on me. So beautiful so amazing. The star of Melbourne Les Girls, The host and
compare of Play girls at the mow imfamous Bo Jangles nigh club featured in the movie 'Chopper" the star of Sammy Lee's Les
Girls and of course one of the great Pokettes in the now famous Pokies show
The very beautiful Miss Debra Le Gae
(Photo Courtesy of Focus Magazine Archives)
Debra Le Gae. The Pokies and Les
Girls were just amazing. This picture
of Debra in 1989 says it all
(Photo courtesy of Focus Magazine archives)
(Photo courtesy of Focus magazine archives)
Debra came to melbourne in 1971
as a beautiful Transsexual this is a
picture in 2004. Obviously nothing
has changed
An amazing Debra Le Gae in an
amazing debra Le Gae made
(Photo courtesy of Focus Magazine archives)
The Pokies days
(photo courtesy of Focus Magazine archives)
Debra with the 2004 Life Time
Achievement Rainbow Award.
In 1999 she was awarded the
Life Time Achievement Diva
Award at Crown Casino giving
one of the most moving acceptance
speeches I have ever experienced.
(photo courtesy of Focus Magazine archives)
Here she is with two beautiful dancers
in 2003