Rainbow Awards 2006 |
Myself and the great Barbrina Quicksand at Diva Bar in 2006 |
Well this is me. I think I have been around longer than anyone can remember. Although
I performed and hosted many shows at many venues including Jocks Bar, Saturday Night Greyhound and headed up the Dream
Girls show for five years as well as being President of Victorian DIVA, I am basically a relic of the past. My passion
these days has become photography and as you will see from many of the pics on this site
These days I am some what of a socialite appearing when and where needed at the most
opportune time. I am what some would call retired and that's probably true however I have been known on very special occasions
to treat the boards for one last time
Would you believe that I never get to photograph myself so each one of these
photos is labled to tell you where they actually came from
(Photo Courtesy of Jessie Curtis 2006)
Performing at the Legend's show at Shed 16
in 2006
(Photo coutesy of Jessie Curtis)
A politcian with a baby ! How ironic and
with Jamie Lee at the opening of Its My
World costume shop in 1997. Me with
the then Deputy Leader of the Opposition
and now Deputy Premier John Thwaits MP
who is a great suporter of the Victorian
gay community
(Photo taken by the Herald Sun Newspaper but cuurtesy of
Brett & Rick of Its My World)
DIVA President Jamie Lee with Colleen Hewitt
at the 1998 DIVA Awards. Obvious Colleen and
I had had a little to drink that night. Colleen attends
and sings at the Candle Light Vigil to remember
the ones that have gone before we have found a
cure for HIV / AIDS. She is another great supporter
of the Gay Community
(Photo courtesy of Illusions Theatre Restaurant)
Typical Jamie Lee
(Photo courtesy of Focus Magazine 1995)
Jamie Lee Skye 1999 at the Exchange Hotel
(Photo Couresy of Focus Magazine)
Belting out a number with the Dream Girls
at Mid Summa 1998
(Photo courtesy of Dr. David Grub PHD)
A snap of an old girl doing what old girls do at
DIVA Awards 1998
(Photo courtesy of Illusions Theatre Restaurant)
Jamie Lee doing Stand By Your Man at
G Spot Bar and Theatre Restaurant in
1996 where I hosted and performed for
two years .
(Photo courtesy of Deb & Sue Wadsworth G Spot owners)
Look at those legs. Three old girls, Tootsie
my dear friend, Sherin Sequence, and myself
during the first year of Drag at the Greyhound
Hotel in 1995
(Photo courtesy of Brother Sister Newspaper)
Me the President of Victorian DIVA at
Crown Casino on DIVA Awards night
in 1999 on that huge Crown stage in
the Paladium
(Photo taken by a Crown Photographer
but given to me courtesy of Tina Sparkles)
Myself in the middle with Anita Mann
and Lois Mantis when the Dream Girls
toured country Victoria in late 1999.
The Dream Girls played at Social Identity
for almost three years on Saturday nights
(Photo courtesy of Steve Lynch our Dresser)
Not a great pic and certainly a shocking
look with my smoke, gin bottle and dressing
gown doing Natural Woman in the early
Greyhound days
(This photo was given to me by a obviously drunk punter)
The cast of the Drag Who Shagged Me
in the 1990's including myself, Sue Ridge,
Tootsie, Sherine, Connie Lingus and at
the time a very very new and upcomming
Linda La Mont
(Photo courtesy of the late great Trish John Barrie)