Doug Lucas and Kerrie La Gore, two of the greatest of all time. Both Rainbow Award Life Time Achievement winners, snapped here in the back of a dressing room.

The Late Great Trish (John) Barrie with a cute
boy (who later became Divanna Lorette) in
1998 at the DIVA Awards where she was given the
Life Time Achiement Award
Trish ran the now famous and legendary Trisha's Coffee Shop in North Melbourne which
ran for 25 years giving many drag performers a start to their career including Dianna Lee, Anita Mann, Rene Scott and her
closest friend Emerald Stone
Trish along with Jan Hillier fought for years to have
recognized gay venues and functions. In her early days as John Barrie, Trish was a song and dance man who featured in several Hollywood movies.
Trish died in 1999 and was laid to rest in Ballarat where she had retired
to. Many from all over Australia converged on Ballarat to pay their respects. Some say Trish was in her mid 70's but
people closest to her believe she was well into her 80's but no one will ever really know

The great Tracy Twat who died
in the midd 90's. From exorcizing
fat spirits out of Dulcie DuJour
to camp take offs with Dawn Sindrome
on Tuesday nights at 3 Faces night
club.Thanks for some of
the campest
and funniest times Melbourne
ever seen Tracy
(Photo courtesy of Focus Magazine archives)

Tracy Twat - Melbourne's answer to
Divine and Pink Flamingoes
(Photo coutesy of Focus Magazine archives)

A great shot of Tracy Twat
Miss Synthetic and Mary Lou
(Photo courtesy of Focus Magazine archives)

The amazing PZR show ran from 1997
through to 1999 featuring the costuming
brilliance of Rita, the campness of Paris,
the talent and production of Zowie Knox
and the host with the most Kerrie Le Gore
(Photo coutesy of Focus Magazine archives)

(Photo provided by Mr Laurie Dunstan of Saturday Night Greyhound)
Tootsie (centre) and Dianna Lee (back)
both members of the original Social
Identity Show in the mid 1990's where
Tootsie became an icon. Dianna Lee
on the other hand was a Wanda Jackson
Les Girl, an Extreme and performed
for years with the great Trish (John) Barrie
at the legendary Trisha's Coffee Shop.
Dianna who has retired from shows had
a career that spanned over 20 years.
However our girl Tootsie who is reported
to be around 170 years of age is still doing
it when ever she gets a chance. She can
often be seen on stages around Melbourne

The unfogettable Pokies featuring
dancers, Doug Lucas as the host,
Debra Le Gae, Rene Scott, Terri
Tinsel, Sheree Le More, Wanda
Jackson, jaqui Roberts and Mchelle
Toser in the cast .
The show ran
for over 12 years every Sunday
A tribute to the creativity and foresight
of Doug Lucas and Jan Hillier
(Photo courtesy of Focus Magazine Archives)

The great Terri Tinsel who stared
as one of the original cast members
of the Pokies. She was with Pokies
at the begining and right to the end
(Photo courtesy of Doug Lucas)

Aunty Glad. She was never short
of being over the top. Glad really
got it, the whole Drag thing that is,
just like Gloria Golddigger. Bizzar is
a word I would use to discribe the
person that was Aunty Glad

Dear Rosie. We had our ups and
downs but we were friends. She
was Killed tragicly. I wish I could
say much more about her death
but I'd probably end
up in court.

The amazing Miss Rene Scott
who should have been given
a Life Time Achievement Award
years ago. Who could ever
forget her in Pokies and her
rendition of "I am telling you".
I wish I could have done it half
as good
(Photo courtesy of Doug Lucas)

Kitten who came to prominance in
2000 sadly passed away in 2004

As a Transsexual Sharon Star
fought discrimination after she
was sacked from work for becoming
transgender. She took it to court
and became the first transgender
person to win and set a test case for
all transgender people.

A picture of Doreen Manganini in the
early days of her career who was
origional discovered in Sydney by
Kerrie Le Gore and bought to
Melbourne to do production shows.
She featured with Le Gore, Miss
Candee and Zowie Knox in what
is in my opinion one of the greatest
Melbourne drag shows "Liptix"
( Photo coutesy of Focus Magazine archives)

( Photo coutesy of Focus Magazine archives)

What a trasformation. This is a picture
of Doreen 8 years on in Melbourne
who became at the time Melbourne's
biggest star. hosting shows such as
PZR, Doreen's D Day, Doreens Wonder
World with some camp old bitch as
barrel girl (Jamie Lee Skye) and a host
of other shows. Doreen won more
awards than can be counted including
Rainbows and DIVAs. She won the
Gold DIVA in 1998 for best performer
Doreen is still teading the boards in
Sydney departing Melbourne in 2000
(phot coutesy of Focus Magazine Achives)

Doreen with an armful of Rainbow Awards
( Photo coutesy of Focus Magazine archives)

Divanna Lorette came to prominance in
1998 with the Dream Girls show which ran
for almost five years and featured in the
NFI show in 2004 / 2005. She recently moved
to Sydney and is now undertaking other
ventures (Photo provided by DRJ Wood and taken by ICANDY)

The only Drag Entertainer that needs no
introduction. Star of so much including
the Troll Dolls, Lipstix, La Gore's Back
Yard, the Exchange Hotel and 3 Faces
Night Club, just to name a few of one of
Melbourne's longest lists of credits.
With a career spanning well over 30 years
there is prossibly nobody who has done
more for the Melbourne Gay and Drag

The amazing Debra Le Gae. The Star of
Les Girls, Play Girls, and a host of many
other shows. Debra featured for almost
15 years in the Pokies at the Prince of
Wales Hotel in St.Kilda as one of the
most beautiful transsexuals in
Melbourne's history
In 1968 she was conscripted to the
Vietnam war, fortunately she was
performing in Sammy Lee's Les Girls
in Kings Cross. Debra arrived in our
very own Melbourne in 1970 to open
Melbourne's Les Girls for twelve
months and is still here 36 years later.
She is a Life Time Achievment Award
winner with a Diva Award in 1999 and
a Rainbow in 2004

"Tea For Two" and Mr. Doug Lucas.
The star of the now legendary Pokies
and Mulcay's Queer Caberet to name
just a few. Doug has done everything
there is to do in Drag. He was one of
the first to take Drag to the straight
main stream community.
Doug has, like me, been around for
1000 years give or take a couple of
hundred. More give than take I expect.
Doug is a multiple award winner and
Drag Icon all over Australia. He is
still performing somewhere every

The amazing Paris. For some twenty plus
years Paris has been entertaining straight
and gay audiences alike. She has featured
in so many shows they are to many to list
however some of the greatest have been
Fab Three, PZR and the current Rainbow
Award winning smash hit The Classics.
Paris has made a career out of Drag.
She has dontated thousands of hours to
doing charity shows
to assist the gay
community of Melbourne.
Being awarded the 2005 Rainbow Life Time
Achievemnet is recognition of the service
she has given to the gay community and
to stage entertainment in general.